Monday, December 10, 2007

Unintended Hiatus

I can't believe it's been three days since I posted something. I meant to, but I couldn't pull myself away from a pet project I'm working on with the data that is harvested with Auctioneer Advanced. More info on that hopefully later on this week.

When I did pull myself out of coding I would logon to WoW for just a minute or two (translation: a couple hours).

Too bad the gold I'm making in WoW can't hire me an assistant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"When I did pull myself out of coding I would logon to WoW for just a minute or two (translation: a couple hours)."

- Same here, so I now run with Parental Controls on and thus have a limited time-slot for playing! A friend of mine holds the password, just to be on the safe side! (And, of course, I don't know what that pwd is, and the Parental Control e-mail address is hers and not mine, so requesting a new one will be sent to her!)