Monday, January 21, 2008

Shiny New Versions Of Auctioneer

There are new builds of the Auctioneer Advanced and Auctioneer Classic suites available. These fix some errors you might have been experiencing since the 2.3.2 patch. Not sure what other goodies might be included since I just caught the announcement (which is two days old already). These are still preview versions, but the releases I've been using since around November have all been pre-releases.

The announcement is here and you can grab the preview release here.

I haven't checked them out yet myself, but I know what I'll be doing later on today!



Anonymous said...

Batch posting of auctions is the highlight of this new version of Auctioneer Advanced. Simply check which items you want batch posted and it'll put them all up at once, doing all the stack splitting as well.

It's amazing.

Sellia said...

Thanks for the info Og ! =)

Og said...

Alcaras - Stack splitting is heaven. Apparently Classic did that as well...wish I would have known that back in the day.

Sellia - My pleasure.